My Wedding
If you've found this page you must be thinking about getting married in church. It would be brilliant to welcome you and your guests to St Andrew's for the service. The Church of England has a helpful section on its website that will help you with planning and questions; it's called "Your Church Wedding"
The Church has some rules about:
the church building you can use for your wedding, and,
getting married in church if you and/or your partner has been married before and is divorced.
Getting Married at St Andrew's
If you want to get married in St Andrew's Church (or any church in the Church of England) you have to prove that you have a qualifying "connection" with the parish. This is to remind us all that weddings are a social event. We mark this major milestone in our community with our friends and family. This link will take you to a checklist that will help you to work out if you have a qualifying "connection" with St Andrew's Church.
The next step is to have a conversation with the Vicar. Call the church office to arrange an appointment.
Your wedding "Banns" read at St Andrew's Church
Some couples who live on Chelmsley Wood decide to hold their wedding in another Church of England parish. This can be done if you can establish a connection with the other parish.
However, the law requires that your banns are still read in the Parish Church where you live. "Banns" is an old legal word that means "to give notice" or "to announce".
If you need to have your wedding banns read in St Andrew's Church, call the Church Office to make an appointment. There is a small charge for this.
Getting married in church after divorce
Jesus taught that marriage is a life-long commitment. However, the church recognises the realities of life; that marriages do come to an end. Managing these two positions is challenging. If you and/or your partner have previously been married talk to Andi or Helene.