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ST. Andrew's Church
Chelmsley Wood

Our Church Family

Our church family at St Andrew's is genuinely mixed, something we consider an enormous blessing and are really grateful to God for. We’re made up from a wide mixture of backgrounds, ethnicities and social groups, and differ in age and life stages.


At St Andrew's we love that fact we are different in so many ways, and yet, we are united in our pursuit and love to be more like Jesus. In fact as we read in the early church in Jesus' day, they were a gathering of all kinds of people gathering together to display God’s love in Christ - and we want to be the same. 


Whether you are from the Caribbean islands, Hong Kong, Africa or just around the corner, we hope that anyone from any background would feel welcome and at home at St Andrew's.

St Andrews Church

We believe that the Lord calls people of all ages to live in a loving relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. You can discover more about Jesus and what Christians believe by visiting one of our many activities throughout the week, by contacting us for a chat over a cuppa, or simply turn up to one of our services on a Sunday, we'd love to see you.


St Andrew's Church is a partnership between The Church of England and Methodist Church.  In church legal speak we are a "local ecumenical partnership" (LEP).  Not sure what that means?  Just ask the vicar.

We believe that Jesus is the person that the Bible say'S he is.  Simple!

The Bible says that Jesus is God the Son and that he came to show us how much God the Father loves us and the whole of creation. When we decide to follow Jesus we find God; find ourselves and find life.

Maybe that's not quite so simple. If you want to find out more you could contact us or have a browse on the Church of England in Birmingham's website. We've put together some information that will help you find out more about and explore Christian faith. You might like to have a look at it here.

If that doesn't put you off and you're still keen to learn more about Christianity or what it's like to be a Christian, join us for one, or all, of our many gatherings.  We love answering questions, if we know the answers. But even if we don't, the conversation will be fascinating and the coffee is free.

Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash



St Andrew's Church works hard to ensure that the church building, all staff, visitors and regular members are in a safe environment. At St Andrew's Church we are committed to safeguarding both children, young people and adults. Our policies adopted by the Church Council that sets out our policies and identifies who you can talk to if you have any concerns can be found here.

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